Human life has been the matter of research for the scientists all over theworld. They are exploring the human cognitive skills and the quality of human brain for its excellent theoretical and practical perception. They are amazed by the performance of brain in its every stages. The skill of humans to survive any  toughest condition is praiseworthy. The strange coincidence is that with the exceptional brilliance of our brain, we are living in poor mental and physical conditions.

Life is a Teacher

I often wonder about the life's  uncertain journey. Sometimes it may take as to a totally strange place in our life. We may not have even dreamt about such situation and occurrences. What will be our reaction when such a thing happened to us? We will be quite confused and uncomfortable, Won't we? After a reasonable gap we gradually  get into the system. The initial stages of adjusting is important. It depends upon each one's mental capabilities. Whenever this adjustment problem arises if it is not treated well it may endanger our mental and physical wellness.

The need of the hour is to act wisely about the problem. First, we should have an awareness about life's happenings. We should be open-hearted for all the changes that our life teaches us. We have to make a positive approach towards our life then we will not  bewilder all on a sudden.

Life is a Theory

Theory is a formal set of ideas that is intended to explain why something happens or exists. We can proclaim a number of statements about the life, its happenings and the typical characteristic of its journey. From the life of others we can draw many assumptions and conclusions. But, when it comes in our own life, it is somewhat different. We get to know that the theory and our experience do not match each other. Because it is our own life, not others. A wide disparity can be seen among the same experience of life to different persons. Life cannot be learnt from an institution. It is to be lived by our own.

When we look around we can see a number of people who can make a long public speech about the values and goodness of life. But, they cannot keep it in their own personal life. In their family they may be problematic. This is the real mask that we  wear on our face. Nowadays we wear face mask due to covid-19. It is only an external covering. Likewise, with a polished smile and dealings we outwit the people. And our real hero comes out inside the four walls of our home. Quite strange, Isn't it?

Life is Practical

I think all of you may agree with me  when I say that life is practical. A set of information or fixed rules is necessary for the overall performance of life. But unless it is practised, what is the use of it? I can tell you an example of theory and practice. If, suppose the theory says that the fire is dangerous and we may get burns if we touch it. A small baby may not know this theory. If the parents tell him so, the baby may not understand it until he stretches out his tiny hands to the heat of the fire. Then he learns the theory well. This is the simple difference between the theory and the practice.

I feel that among ourselves the strongness and the bonding of good relationships have lost. Have you thought why the role models are rare in our society? It is due to the lack of strong-built families. A well-cultured person comes out only from a well-cultured family. If the person is well backed up with self- confidence he can manage most of his problems of life in a reasonable manner. Our life is our responsibility. We have to perform it well.

We cannot put apart the theoretical and practical sides of life. Both are the two sides of the same coin. We should learn about it. We have to make our lives a better one in this world.

Our life is precious and it is our responsibility. So do it well. Go ahead with self confidence. Do not fall into the traps of the commercial world. Stay awake and feel the pulse of your life's journey. Share the happy moments with your dear and the near ones.



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