"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have but rather of recognising and appreciating what we do have," says Friedrich Koenig, a German inventor. Happiness is the essential thing we all need in our lives. We often mistook happiness as pleasure but both the terms are unique in its meaning. Happiness can be felt in our inner being while pleasure can be felt only with our senses. If we compare and contrast this idea we can have a 'refreshed journey' of life.
Happiness of 'Tots'
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Every person's character is being formed from the days of childhood. So a detailed supervision is needed in this age. Unfortunately, most of the parents attend their toddlers in an insignificant way. Home is the 'university' from where we get the education of life. Harold Ramis, an American actor says; " how one handles success or failure is determined by their early childhood."
Happiness from Peer Groups
After successfully completing all the milestones of growth a child gradually learns the 'art of socialisation'. His school days begins and he gets absorbed into another series of changes. The growth from 'childhood to teenage' and from 'teenage to adolescence' is very crucial in everyone's life. If being unattended it may have a negative impact on their lives. The real fact is that all parents are not psychologists and all children are not their clients. They all are simply humans. Parents may not know the 'art of child caring' or tackling with 'teenage temper tantrums'. Hence, parents should have an open mind for giving 'quality life training' to their kids.
'Peer group influence' is one of the common phenomenon of adolescence. Kids value their comrades' opinion most. They will not listen to their parent's advice. They live in a 'world of fantasy'. When the social media too comes along with them things may go unpredictable. They feel that happiness is all about what they see on the 'screen'. Those kids who had not get much love and care from their family may get trapped in the 'cybernet'. Therefore, a positive and a prudent approach is necessary from the part of parents in this case.
Happiness from Profession
Happiness can be reaped from our profession if we love that profession wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, many of us are forced to choose a profession which we continue to dislike. We have already selected our profession and since we have no option we should start loving it in order to cultivate happiness from it. There are many people around us who had turned their hateful job into a 'passion'. Why don't we too try it? If we had got our desired profession then do it with a 'passion' instead of bound in 'routines'.
Happiness of our Family
Our family is the 'long and sustainable' happiness that everyone like to cherish in their minds. When we have a glance at our family photo album we feel like going back to our 'good old days'. Those positive thoughts will surely bring us a 'rejuvenation' of our soul.
Family life is not 'a bed of roses'. It is a place where we have to make commitments and sacrifices.We have to generate happiness from the limited sources. If we plead for happiness from others we may not get it. We have to be 'a wholesaler' of happiness instead of being 'a retailer'.
Life will not be easy for everyone. We have to make conscious efforts to make it a successful one. Sometimes, we cannot see even a 'gleam of happiness' around us but we should not lose our heart. Hope for the best and work hard. Then everything will bring us good fortune.
We have to continue our journey with a happy and cheerful mind. The obstacle may not hamper much 'a happy and a contented person'.
"Smile! A smile can change the world. Have a great smiley day!
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