"Good health and good sense  are two of life's  greatest blessings," says Publilius Syrus,a Latin writer.  Our life is a great wealth we have got so far. we have a right to preserve it well. Health is not only attributable to our body, but also for our mind. A good mind resides only in a sound body. Work and workout really wear us out. In the 'to and fro' of our busy schedule we should not disregard our wellness. 

Variety Cuisine Everywhere

Wherever we turn around we can see the world of 'variety foods.'If we sit to analyse all these stuff our whole life will not be enough for it. The ads we see will make us feel that we are made for their products. We may like just 'foodies'.

Eat Well and Live Well

" One cannot think well,love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well", says Virginia Woolf,the famous 20th century writer. Good eating habits begin from home. Children should be taught to practice the 'etiquette of  eating' from their childhood itself. One who adopt  a moderate stand on his needs will always opt for a wise meal. As we are  living in a 'dynamic' world we do not have even time to sit and relax. Situations force us to compromise with our food habits and we adopt 'Fast Food Culture'.  Though it saves our time it spoils our health. Its long-term effects will not be good. In order to stay fit we have to adopt good eating habits. It also requires for the well-being of our mind.

Being a Vegetarian,a Vegan and a Meatarian

People practice different eating styles according to their custom and convenience. Some people will prefer eating vegetables. Among them Vegans strictly avoid the use of animal products. Meatarians prefer eating meat in their diet.

Must-eat Nutrients in our Diet

                 Vitamin A

Eggs,milk, carrot, sweet potatoes and melons.

                  Vitamin C

Oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, broccoli, Red and green bell peppers.

                   Vitamin E

Avocados, nuts, seeds, wholegrain foods, spinach and other dark leafy greens.

 By having a healthy diet only we cannot claim that we are healthy .We  have to develop a mentality of 'positive thinking' also. The whole growth of a person lies in the growth of his body, mind and soul. Therefore, along with the physical maintenance we should also cultivate habits of mental well-being . We all are unique and talented and we have the right to live our life well. So hold your head up and walk bravely towards your goal.



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