The  wide diversity of all the 'flora and fauna' of our planet Earth will really enchant us. When we carefully examine the growth and evolution of a particular 'species' we will get amazed by its process. Even a seedling sprout with nature's careful supervision. When the human beings are concerned, they are 'one of the best of all' among the whole creation on the earth.

When Challenges Calls

Challenges are 'part and parcel' of everyone's life.From the infancy to the old age we are facing challenges every now and then. A 'challenge' is a thing or a situation that tests our ability and skills.When the flora and fauna fail to survive many of the climatic changes and other factors the humans have survived almost all the challenges they have faced on their way.

Meddling with Challenges

 The 'evolution' of the human race on Earth is a 'thing of wonder.' The exact measurement of human intelligence is still unknown to the scientists all over the world. Man's ability to survive at crucial situations is worth praised.

Life can be fun and adventurous for the single person who want to go alone in his journey. He will be eager to face whatever challenges that come on his way. But, at any of the crossroads of his  life a feeling of 'emptiness'  will cloud over. This will be the 'biggest challenge'  he is going to face. When people are united 'isolation' can be avoided to some degree.

Challenges for Everyone

As we all are responsible individuals, challenges have no 'bar' in our life. People from every phase of life confront challenges in their 'survival of the fittest' task. It comes according to the particular area of work a person do. The challenges a student face is different from the challenges faced by a scientist.Likewise the challenges of a familial  person is different from that of a single person.

Surviving the Challenges

"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself," says Muhammad Ali, an American professional boxer, activist and philanthropist.Sometimes, our life seems like a journey of survival.We may be in constant struggling with a particular situation. When we come out from it another one will be waiting for us. This is what called 'life'. Nobody can escape from the challenges they face. It does not mean that we should always remain 'locked' in conflict situations. The success of coming out depends on our mental attitude.

According to the psychologists  individuals are classified into three characteristic types; optimistic, pessimistic and realistic. I will try to explain the three attitudes with an example. Suppose a person is observing  a beautiful rose flower. The optimist will feel that the whole world is like the fragrance of the rose. The pessimist will find out the thorns of the flower and his proclamation is that the whole world is like the thorns of the rose flower. When the realist examines the flower he will reach a conclusion that the whole world is neither rosy nor thorny. Which category do you think normal? An understanding person will always accept the things as they are and  will take precautions while dealing with it.

"When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change," said by Paulo Coelho, the Brazilian novelist. So we  should be 'all set' for the challenges that come on our way.

"You all are gifted and talented and brave. Why don't you rise up and shine? The whole world waits for you!"


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