Our life is a harmonious journey. The whole life span is clad in this journey. Taking a break in between the journey is not possible. Even during our sleep it goes on. Our journey halts only at its final destination. Whenever we get conscious of performing our journey we should adopt a pleasant mentality. By grudging and murmuring we cannot cover our journey of life.

 Being a Social Animal

We have heard that man is a social animal. I think that nowadays this statement needs some revision. We are social sites animals now. Aren't we?As far as a person is concerned, his life revolves around the social circles. In all spheres of his life socialization comes; in schooling, during higher studies and in professional field. The social media sites are always ready to bring us an experience of 'global socialization.'

When one's own life matters

Whatever experiences we get from the outside world we always wish for our own 'single space'. In that single space we love to cherish our own dreams and personal aspirations. Here comes the importance of living 'single' or 'pair'.When we 'fret and fume' in the technological world. We want a break and we retreat to our own space. We long for someone who can share our feelings and frustrations. I think the concept of family well suits here.

Why a Family?



I feel that our younger generation has not get much knowledge about the 'strong bonding' of the family. Being a 'techy' they like to spend their free time for parties and celebrations. The 'commercial giants' compete with each other to provide all the wanted and the unwanted stuff to the youngsters.

Obviously, the parties may not go a long way. Finally the youngsters have to recede to their own business. They may get irritated by the 'emptiness' in their lives. Unless someone who is near to their heart make them realise the importance of their life journey they don't understand anything.The   decision they take at crucial times of their life may not mature enough for the situation. If the youngsters feel that they want to live their life as 'single' they cannot be blamed .They might have got  nurtured in such a hard atmosphere.

As far as I am concerned, family is a great support in our frustrations and agonies. The youngsters have to keep in mind that never ever two people of the same sex can form a family. If they think they can it is only on 'paper'.With a mutual co-operation and support only the families can withstand the challenges from outside.  Always remember that good parents can only make good children.

I urge to all my dear youngsters to make a prudent and sincere decision of your life. Go ahead with strong faith and determination. SUCCESS will be your 's!





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