This sounds almost strange, Doesn't it? The world has celebrated Easter a few months back. To understand the term in detail we have to understand the story of Jesus Christ.

The story of Easter

Easter is the celebration of resurrection of Jesus Christ. It reveals his glorious victory. Have you ever thought about the hardships Jesus had to go through before his victory?He was brutally tortured and murdered by a group of people because he preached about God's kingdom and criticised the anarchy existed in the society. Whatever he talked and done was unbearable for the leaders who oppressed the poor people every now and then!

Jesus was preaching and doing good for everyone as he could. The enemies plotted trap for him and sentenced death penalty! They sentenced him the crucifixion which was one of the most brutal forms of killing a human being! Jesus was only at the age of 33 then. Jesus resurrected on the 3rd day according to the scriptures. Jesus rose from the severe cruelties to the shining glory.

Fighting with life's realities 

When we talk about the life this is also applicable. We can see many lives which had toiled through suppressions and depressions have resurrected to glorious testimonies. The crucial thing is that how far one can survive. The one who sticks to the last will reap the fruit of patience. 

            When life goes smoothly nothing seems challenging. At the time when trials and tribulations come the life is getting harder and harder. When our life's tough realities grin on us we have to stay by holding our heads high. When we feel like we are helpless and the people who were meant to be with us run from us, think about the next move that we have to make! There are many people who want to see our downfall and it may include even our near and dear ones. The battle of life will get tightened day by day.  

The great realisation

                   Here comes our God for our rescue. When we realise that our potential and our possibilities do not match with our hardwork we will definitely crave for an unknown force! The moment we know that we are a big zero then we will surrender our whole self to God. Then our life will take a 'U' turn and we will be the happiest person in our life. Till now we were fighting our battles alone and now 'the unknown force' will fight for us!

                          What I have to tell to my valuable readers is that please don't give up, don't feel neglected and don't feel that you have lost the value of your life! You are precious in the eyes of your creator and he will certainly lift you up from the pit of disappointment!

                  Move On! Hold your head high and go forward bravely! Soar high as a mighty eagle. Success will be yours!



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#resurrection #courage #battle

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