C. S. Lewis, the British writer says; "God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way". Life is always unexpected and uncertain. Nobody knows what life has prepared for him.Instead of startling before life's situations we have to be prepared well for facing the challenges that come on our way. Every one of us goes through the multifaceted journey of life.

Innocence Of Childhood

The smile of a small child will really brighten the hearts of those who have an admiration and love towards the children. Children are familiar only with their parents and with those who care for them. They react to all the pains that come on their way. They need the security of their mother who always stays beside them. God created the mothers to mould the infants to an individual.

Psychologists say that if the children did not get proper love,care and security during their childhood they would grow into a negative character. The good experiences that they get in their childhood prepare them for a better world. Unfortunately, many of the parents disregard their ward's mental growth.

Adventurous Teenage

Teenage is regarded as age of 'stress and storm'. It is the time when mental behaviour and attitudes are getting sharper. The teenagers always seek for a role model to follow. Most often their screen heroes will be their mentors. Gradually, the 'peer pressure' is added to their total behaviour. If they learn and observe a negative image of life, who should be blamed? Parents, teachers or religious instructors? Our youngsters really need a fresh look towards their life. The wrong mental images from the screen will really retard their mental growth. Along with the 'fitness- mantra' they also need 'mental wellness'.

Facing the Responsibilities of Life

After the stress and storm, the youngsters move on in their life. They get part of the normal societal life. Many incidents come in their life like career, job, family etc. Opting for a wise decision is often a crisis in the professional as well as in the family life. We cannot start living by learning all the life's different aspects. We have only one chance to live our life in this world. We cannot make our life a 'foolproof' one. Errors and mistakes occur now and then. We can either choose a good or a bad life. Living a moral life with good track records is often a challenge. While it is quite easy to live an immoral life. If we look around we can understand what all trials and tribulations hinder us. Which way of life we choose is the serious and utmost decision in our life.

Confrontations with the 'Hurts'

When we think about the challenges of living a moral life there come the 'confrontations with the hurts' of our life. It means the pains,the setbacks and the bitter moments of our life. When our life is single, we have no debts to others but when we are in a family we are debted to several people. I did not mean the monetary debt but the responsibilities to our near and dear ones. Despite of the gender, everyone of us has to face the hurts. Usually the women are considered to be the ones who have a strong mental capacity. They have more perseverance compared to the men. It may be because the nature had itself given them this quality because they are the foundation for the creation of mankind. Unfortunately, the modern and the high-tech world has shuffled everyone's mental perseverance.

Coping with the 'Hurts'

Everywhere we confront with many difficult situations. From the office cabin to the drawing room of our family we face criticisms and hurts.We should be ready to face the destructive criticisms from every side. When a hurt or deception comes from the most trusted person we will be totally bewildered. It may sometimes make serious nervous breakdown in us. We should always keep a room in our mind for uncertain hurts that come on our way. Be cautious to clean the room often otherwise it will be cluttered. Our life is always going so it should not be stopped for other's criticisms or allegations.

"Move On! Your life invites you to unseen adventures and delights of your life's journey. Just throw out all the hurts into the 'cemetery of forgetting'. Take the backpack of happiness and hold your heads up and enjoy your trip".


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