'The Purpose-Driven Life' by Rick Warren has transformed millions of lives around the world. Rick Warren is called "America's most influential spiritual leader". He founded Saddleback Church in Orange country,California, one of the largest and best-known churches in the world.

Our Life and Reading Books

Most of us like reading books. The intensity of reading differs in each person according to their own interests and attitudes. Reading has its own significance. While reading books we all are so eager to read the next chapter. We rush to the next truth without reflecting on what we have learnt so far. There are three categories of reading; skimming, scanning and in-depth reading. In skimming we just go through the book at a glance. In scanning we study our particular areas of concern and in in-depth reading we seriously go through by the every nook and corner of the book.

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on treasure Island and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life"_ says Walt Disney, an  American entrepreneur, writer and animator. Reading will surely lift up our soul and widen our mental horizon.

About the Book "The Purpose-Driven Life"

The 'Purpose-Driven' Life is a book in which Rick Warren has significantly elaborated his finding outs by the help of the Bible, the most sold book around the world. He says that we are not an accident, mistake or mishap.Our creator has made us all with a purpose. Our whole life should be around in search of this purpose. When we search for other things in our life our life may end with uneasiness and dissatisfaction.

The author says God has a purpose for our life on earth, but it does not end here. His plan involves far more than the few decades we will spend on this planet. It is more than "the opportunity of a lifetime". God offers us an opportunity beyond our lifetime.

Explanation of Our Life

Rick Warren says the way we see our life shapes our life. The way how we define our life determines our destiny. Our perspective will influence our investing of time, spending of money, using our talents and valuing our relationships. According to him many of us consider life as a circus, a minefield, a rollercoaster, a puzzle, a symphony, a journey and  a dance. The rest of others  simply shoot arrows in the darkness.

The author says a fish would never be happy living on land because it was made for water. An eagle could never feel satisfied if it was not allowed to fly. Thus we are shaped for a purpose and God expects us to make the most of what we have been given. He does not want us to worry about or covet abilities we do not have. Instead he wants us to focus on talents he has given us to use. We have dozens of hidden abilities and gifts we do not know we have got because we have never tried them out. The author encourages us to try doing something that we have never done before. No matter how old we are, he urges us to never stop experimenting.

He goes on by saying that the 'trials and tribulations' that come in our life make us realise that nothing is insignificant in our life. Everyday is an important day, and every second is a growth opportunity to deepen our character, to demonstrate love, or to depend on God.

Inspiration from the Book 'The Purpose-Driven Life'

The amazing facts of this great book does not end here. When each one of us go through the book we will surely get an insight about our life. We might be searching for the answers of our most haunted questions we face in our life. There is a solution and answer for our soul's inmost desires. We get practical suggestions to live our life and ways to correct our personal and interpersonal relationships.

 The reading experiences of this wonderful book will really amaze each of us and will take us to a new world of realities and visions. This outstanding masterpiece of Rick Warren has changed millions of lives around the globe and surely it will change our lives too. One thing is sure that we will not be the same person as before.

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