"God has given us two hands -one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoardings; we are channels made for sharing", said by Billy Graham, the American evangelist. Our life is a gift given by God so there are always rooms for good things. The present scenario of the world depicts a worldwide sharing through the internet. The knowledge and technology which is shared through the internet is only a part of the process. Are the people all over the world crave for knowledge only? NO! There are many other serious issues related with the sharing. We can have a look through.

The Concept of Sharing

Sharing means giving a portion of our time and resources to others. It is somewhat related to charity. Whether it is sharing or a charity our attitude is important. Unless we are not ready to help others there is no relevance for all. All of a sudden we will not get the right attitude for sharing and caring for others. It is a gradual process through our lifetime. Sometimes we may undertake it to imitate others but it is not at all real. The desire to help our fellow-beings  should come from our heart.

Sharing in Childhood

Children learn social skills through the games and mingling with others. Childhood is the apt time to cultivate good values among the children. The responsible persons should take serious efforts to build up moral education among the children. All the preschool learning has designed with this basic goal. But, how far it is effective for children is a vague idea.

Toddlers and preschoolers are reluctant to share their belongings with others. It is a common behaviour among them. Parents have to check it and amend it as far as possible. If they support all the temper tantrums of their kids they may be endangering their children's personality. The later stages of life of a child will be depended on his childhood learning and experiences.

Sharing in Adulthood

Psychologist signify the age of adolescence as the 'stress and storm age'. Ideas and opinions have been forming in this age. Children may not be sure about their physical and mental growth. It is the age of active hormonal growth. The parents and the teachers should be the mentors of the children at this time.

'Peer group influence' is another major factor in the growth of the adolescents. They gather knowledge and information from their comrades. After all, the so- called peer groups are not a knowledge bank. It will not do any special improvement  on the children rather it may distort their mental images. The authorities can help the students by arranging motivational programmes and career guidance programmes in the school.

Sharing in Professional Life

Every individual makes his best during his professional life. He will be in a hurry to build up his future life. Our profession should not revolve around the salary only, even though it is the highlighting factor. When we focus only on the financial benefits, our attitude towards all virtues will start fading. Then we will search for monetization everywhere, even in our personal relationships. The whole society will degrade into money based culture. I think this is the trend now, isn't it? People make sharing a grand festival in order to make a show off.

Professionals will try to polish up their professional talents in order to survive the high competition in their particular field. Survival of the fittest is the principal everywhere. Then, when do they get time to polish up  their moral values? Of course, the question is relevant, but we have to think far more. After the deadlines and after the promotions what is left in our life? Along with the polishing of our talents we have to give good backup for our mental wellness too. Instead of being workaholics and alcoholics, we have to become philanthropists in our life. We have to share our time and resources with the needy people .

Sharing in Family Life

Even when a person goes to lunar expedition as a part of his job he will be thinking of his family here on earth. Family is the heaven on earth. But, nowadays we have to check whether we are making this heaven to hell. The love, caring and sharing we got in our childhood from our family will be an everlasting cherishing memory in all our minds. We learn the 'art of sharing' from our homes. We get its modified version from school and from other social gatherings.

When a matured person set up a family he will be ready for sharing. Family life is the sum total of sacrifice, sharing and co-operation. The husband and the wife shares everything with each other. They share their time and resources with their children. If the love does not become an important factor in sharing the total meaning of the sharing may get disfigured. Without the proper caring and sharing from the family the individual cannot perform well in the society. If he pretends to be perfect, it will bring only a negative mental growth in him.

Our life is our responsibility. We have to perform it well. The 'act of sharing' is an 'act of virtue'. It will bring us mental peace and happiness. We can escape from the world's suffocation and restlessness and can have a relaxed state of mind.

"Go ahead! Your life is calling you for more adventures. Get along with the happiest moments of your life. Do not forget to take the 'backpack of delightful memories' and make sure that you have abandoned the 'old backpack of bitter experiences' at the starting of your journey. 

Walk your heads up. Success will be yours!"


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