Charity begins at home. We all must have heard about this. It is the kindness and sympathy shown to other people. Our life is very precious to us. Each and every one will do every attempt to improve and preserve their life. In our short life we should practice the 'art of giving'. Then it will be more meaningful. It will be better to quote Mother Teresa's words; "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving".

The Concept of Charity

Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish philosopher, has said; "True charity is the desire to be useful to others with no thought of recompense." By hearing the word 'charity' the scenes of refugee camps or the coupons and vouchers of some institutions will rush to our mind. It is quite normal. The ultimate aim of charity is to help the people to survive any natural and physical disaster. As charity begins at home, more importance should be given among the children. They should learn the 'art of giving' in their childhood itself. When they learn the primary lessons of charity from their homes it will be easy for them to carry it on to their lifetime. Nowadays the whole humanity is under the clutches of materialism. Accumulation of wealth and properties have become a 'status quo' among the people.

The attitude of people towards Charity must be rechecked. Value based education should be motivated among the children by the schools. Then they can learn the art of giving. When they have a tender heart towards the ailing person, their life becomes more meaningful. The parents have a special role in moulding their children's behaviour. They can be the good role models for their kids. They should teach them that the charity is not merely the handing over of used goods, but an 'act of philanthropy'.

Charity in the Society

As a citizen we have certain duties and responsibilities towards our society. As long as we are the part and parcel of the society, we have to maintain a balance between our personal life and our societal life. Some of us have a misconception that the public leaders are the responsible persons to do social welfare activities. They are our representatives and it does not mean that we have handed over our responsibilities to them. We all together have to revive our society.

In every country there will be people who are living without even basic amenities. At one side there will be pomp and luxury, and at the other side we can see poverty in its worst conditions. This is the dilemma that each advanced countries face. Without the people's support, the government cannot conduct any welfare activities among the poor. If we all  behave as good samaritan things will be very easy.

Charity Widens our Hearts

Have you observed the changes at your heart when you helped someone?  If not, then try it next time when you sincerely help a needy person. It is a special happiness that may not get from a shopping or an entertainment. We may have calculations in our brain when we go to help a person but if our effort is sincere,  changes will occur in our hearts rather than in our brains. This is the difference which I mentioned above.

In the journey of our life it will be very heavy to carry all our accumulation along with us. So try to carry cherishing moments and small happinesses of our life. If we realise the 'essence of charity' we will be the first one to do it. It will add glamour to our life and personality. Instead of waiting for a catastrophe to start charity works, do it now in your own social circle.

"Move on! Try to be a philanthropist. A prosperous life is waiting ahead of you. Be the first one to grab the happiness that waits along your path. Be a mentor for your co-travellers. Help them also to cover their journey. Success will be yours!"


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