"Life is a journey that must be travelled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations," said by Oliver Goldsmith, an Irish novelist. Each and every one has given the suitable tracks for their disposal. Keeping on track is very important in our life. There may be chances for a deviation. But, consistency and regularity, always win.

Space finding in Childhood

Every infant comes to this world with great hope and aspirations. Everyday is a new day of gathering knowledge and experiences. When his life passes through all the milestones of growth he gets matured every day. Parents should spend 'quality'  time with their kids. Remember that the children need love and care rather than luxury and comfort. By strengthening their primary foundation of growth, parents are doing a great job for their kids' future.

Spacing of Choice

When a child accomplishes the goals of his childhood he is elevated to an adult. Psychologists have opined that each and every milestones of an infant's life should be duly filled otherwise his growth and maturity will get hampered. What he gets in his childhood is reflected back when he becomes an adult. A child  should be given enough 'space' for his growth and maturity.

Space for Growth of Personality

When an individual shrugs off the 'outer cloak' of childishness he takes another deviation of his life. Now, he is fit for a tough journey. Keeping the track in mind, he moves ahead.As individuals, when we move on we should adopt a policy of 'live and let live.' This means that we should respect other's privacy also. Everyone will be in a hurry to make a 'space of their own.' While living in a competitive world always remember that we are competing with situations and not with the people. When our competition deviate  from the specified place a chance of anarchy may come along with it.

Spacing in the Family

If suppose our life is a 'train journey' the family is the' must- travelled' compartment. Even when we choose travelling as 'single' we ought to travel in this compartment.

Our life's journey will be  more memorable if it is done with our 'dear and near' ones. We will get a good backup from our family. Allegations and accusations will be less here and appraisal and accomplishments are likely to more.

Getting the Feedback

If we did not get a proper 'feedback' we cannot improve the quality of our journey. Sit for a while, take an account of all your acquisitions. Ask yourself: have I accomplished all the goals? Did I create a space of my own? It will be really refreshing to take 'short breaks' and continue our journey.

Life without an aim is futile.  Unless we have a goal we cannot go for it. Without knowing the purpose of our life it will be like 'beating around the bush.' By selecting our own space we can safely continue our journey.



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