Every dawn brings new hope and aspirations to our life .It is the best and beautiful part of a day. The singing of birds and the cool breeze; the nature itself offer us a harmonious blend of all.We all start our day in this fine morning. A morning walk will really lighten up our soul. The vibrant energy that a pleasant morning brings is countless. Nature always has a new start and we too should adopt this method.

Life is  a  'Learning'

Learning is not confined only to classrooms. It has a 'multifaceted effect' on our lives. We are performing a 'learning process' throughout our life. Life is exactly a 'trial and error' learning. It teaches us many lessons. Those who have an open mind will absorb the energy from their 'lessons of life.' Some of us will not learn until life takes us to  any of the crucial crossroads on our way. The 'dilemma' that we are going to face there  will force us to have a 'rethinking'. 

Life is a Gratitude

Our life has not shaped on an overnight.It is the 'marvellous' gift that we have received so far. We owe to everyone for this wonderful gift. Often we are selfish and shrink into our own shell. We live as if we have no 'give and take' with anyone. Is it a correct way of living?

When our life is concerned, it is a gratitude towards many  of our dear and near ones. They were our mentors and advisors.We have successfully completed a considerable   distance of our life's journey only with their help. Above all, our creator, who is behind the scenes protected us from every rain and snow.  Nevertheless, he goes on keeping us on his palms.

Life is catering Goodness

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why," says Mark Twain, the famous American writer. Since our life is a journey we should know its purpose. We can contemplate  it throughout our days of life. Gradually, we can observe a change in our 'thought patterns'. We will find  soon ourselves in the 'streams of goodness'. We will start thinking of others rather than ours. We will feel like of coming out from a 'locked cabin'  to the fresh air. This is what I have told about 'enlightenment' in one of my earlier posts.

Life is a MESSAGE

After exploring many facts of life we will be on a 'verge' of action. We may feel like to give back something to the world or be an instrument to make others life happier. People who think differently can only make a difference. It does not mean some 'public gimmicks'. Whatever we do for other's good is only considered here. Which one is the best? fasting up our  belt of journey or make our journey  more productive.

It does not matter that how long you lived but how well you lived. So start assessing your progress of the journey today itself. Today is the best day then why it for tomorrow? 



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